Courts Dominica Limited continues its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the Dominican public. On Friday 15th of March, 2013 we will continue our CSR program under branding C-CAP Courts Community Action Partnership, this project was launched in August of 2011.
We want to undertake a new project on an annual basis outside of the company’s regular Donation budget. Courts will put aside an undisclosed sum of money to do a major project in any one community.
Community Action Partnership (CAP) is expected to bring communities and Courts together engaging both parties in community building partnerships for the greater good. The company will make available the funds and the staff will provide the labour/support for the project. Courts hopes by venturing into that area of social responsibility that they will be able to foster greater bonds of unity with the community and complement socialising among staff and community while fostering change within its environment.
Over the years we have gone through great lengths to assist the less fortunate in our community through day-to-day donations, “Big Hearts” and most recently “Christmas Hampers and “Courts Wish List”, these gestures on our part have undoubtedly made a big difference in the lives of our fellow men but this year, we will be going more in-depth, taking a hands-on approach with a repeat of Big Hearts.
This year, we have selected the:
1. Colihaut Primary School
2. Alpha Centre
Both institutions are well-deserving of a make-over and assistance .
The Objective of this project is to work in partnership with local communities to eliminate the causes and conditions of poverty as well as to promote Courts, as not only number one in furniture and appliances but number one in community service support.