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5 Easy Ways To Get Ready For The Season

Get Ready For The Season
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5 Easy Ways To Get Ready For The Season

Now that the festive season is officially here, we are taking this opportunity to extend a most hearty welcome to you and your families. Some of you may be still trying to wrap your mind around the fact that we are already in October. if you’re one of those this is exactly what you need to be reading because it’s time to kickstart the festive spirit. Why not let COURTS be your Santa this year? We’ve got a lot of the work already figured out. Whether you plan on having a traditional Christmas or a tropical one, let us help deliver the magic of this special time directly to your home.

Here are five easy ways you can be ready without the last minute overwhelm:


1) Make your Budget and check it twice.

When we say budget, we mean the overall budget (décor plus gifts and parties!) which also means what is the most you can afford to spend? Being mindful of your responsibilities and accounting for them is part of this process. If you’re not sure where to start you can jump to the next step and come back to this step later. Rest assured, not everything has to come out of your pocket all at once. We can help bolster any shopping budget challenge with Courts Ready Finance. It is a useful credit perk created and tailored to offset and support your cash flow. All décor and gifts you purchase from us can be repaid easily through our fast approval credit facility. In fact, you also can purchase items AND apply for a cash loan at the same time. See more on Ready Finance here or come in and talk to one of our CSRs.


2) Check your Calendar.

It’s useful to count your weeks so they don’t overtake you. As busy people, the last thing we want is to be stuck in traffic and last-minute parking lot fights (for the last-minute shoppers). Work backwards from the week before Christmas allocating time for wrapping gifts, purchasing groceries, events and your workload. Try to begin and complete your shopping between October and November (or aim for it). A good plan goes long way.


3) Conduct a Décor Audit

You don’t want to but it’s time to go into storage and pull-out last year’s decorations (or maybe they were never packed away). Either way, there should be some form of inventory and quality control in place before going to shop for new décor. If the mere idea of decorating feels like a burden, we have that covered in our next blog – Staging your Home to be Merry and Bright! Look out for it because it will be posted soon. Once you’ve checked through the boxes untangle the lights and let’s begin the easy bit.


4) String Some Lights

Nothing says quick fix meets festive better than beautiful lighting. Once some lights are up, you’ll feel the season’s gratification seeping into your system. Whether it’s lights to hang on the walls of your living room or lights for the exterior of your home, beautifully lit spaces add an inviting glow that will welcome your guests warmly. You can also try adding fairy lights inside bottles on tables and around potted plants and small outdoor trees to create magical evening silhouettes. If you find you’re short and need to purchase more, we have a lot of options in store.


5) Treat yourself to a new Appliance (or two)

Is there an item that you’ve been considering that couple amplify your home experience? Let’s put it differently. Is there any advance gift you’d like to enjoy during the season and not at the end of it? It may sound funny but think about it. We have a host of appliances, small and large to make your life easier. This is the best time of year to benefit from online sale prices, flexible payment options and festive extras so why not buy yourself that air fryer you’ve been resisting? How about watching all the new Christmas movies on a 65-inch Samsung Smart TV?


We hope our checklist has inspired you to start making a list on your mobile, tablet (or on some good old-fashioned paper)

With Courts, your shopping options are as limitless as our Ready Finance payment options. See you soon and Good Luck!

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